Today me,Alex,my sister & Alex's sister took Caleb to the Circus.We all had such a great time.Caleb's favorite was the tigers but I think he really like it all.I don't think you ever get to old to go the Circus.
Friday, January 30, 2009
As most of you already know I work for an Orthodontist office.So after nine years of working there I finally got braces today.I had them when I was about 12 but did not wear my rets like I should have and my teeth shifted.I can't believe I finally did it but I am glad I did.My teeth are a little sore but that should get better in a few days.We are going to the Cicus tomorrow so I am sure I will have pics to post from that.Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Today we celebrated my Dad's birthday which is actually Tuesday Jan.27th.We all went to my Grandmother's and had lunch & it was nice to get together.Caleb and my nephew had a lot of fun playing with Paw-Paw.I didn't get as many pics as I wished but we were all having to much fun catching up with each other.Happy Birthday Daddy we love you very much!!!
Even though it was a little chilly today Caleb got to go outside and ride his dirtbike.He loves riding and would stay out there all day if we let him.We haven't done a lot this weekend and it has been nice.Tomorrow after church we are going to my Granny's to celebrate my Dad's birthday so I should have pics from that later.Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday was Caleb's 4-year-old check up at the doctor and he got a great report.He now weighs 42 pounds & is 41 inches tall.I can't believe how much he has grown in the last year.All the examinations turned out fine.He had to get one booster shot and he was not crazy about that since we thought we didn't have to get one this time,but he was very brave.We are so blessed and thank God every day for such a healthy little boy.Well we have a busy day planned.We are off to church & then the children and youth are going to the movies & tonight we are having a party for my sister-in-law who's Birthday is Tuesday.It seems like everything is always crammed into one day.I should have lots of pics to post later.Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!!!
Yesterday was some friends of ours little girls Birthday party at Froggie's.We all had such a great time.The adults all had as much fun as the kids.We were all tired when we got home last night and nobody complained about going to bed.Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!!
I haven't blogged in awhile because we suprisingly have not been up to much.After the rush of Decemeber everything has slowed down just a little.We got back to work and school this past week & that was hard for me but Caleb was ready to see his friends.I just can't believe my little boy is four years old.Where does the time go?We are going to a birthday party at Froggies(a pump it up place) tonight so I will post pics from that later.I Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!
My name is Erica(Lacy)Lantrip and I live in Gardendale,Alabama.I married the love of my life,Alex, on May 31st 2003.We had our first child,Caleb Daniel,December 22,2004.We love riding dirtbikes as a family,Auburn football & being with family and friends.