Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year.Caleb had so much fun & his face was priceless when he saw his new bike.This was such a fun age for him.Santa was so good to him & I am wondering where we will put all the new stuff he got.We had a very busy day & finally at bath time tonight we got Caleb to take off his new riding gear.He wanted to sleep in it.We are so very blessed for all that we have been given.I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!


Ashley Trammell said...

looks like yall had a wonderful Christmas. We did to and of course Santa did extremely way to much so I am having a hard time putting all this stuff up.

Kim said...

Love all the new pictures (birthday and Christmas)!! Caleb must have been a really good boy to get all those toys :)

I didn't know about Kristi until I read your blog sorry to hear that happened but glad to hear that tests came back ok. Keep us posted on her and just know that you all are in our prayers!!

Kim said...

By the great that Caleb got Trouble, Lite Brite, AND Hungry Hungry Hippos!!! Those were three of my favorites!!!